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Chasing Happiness

For quite a long time now I feel that I have been chasing happiness. Waiting for it to appear. Hoping it happens to me. Impatiently waiting for my turn. I am now coming to realize that happiness isn't a thing that just happens. It's not a particular event or thing. It's a series of everyday little joys that add up to the definition of happiness. The problem comes when we actively look for it. We tend to wait for the next big thing, when all along we should be noticing all the small things. The small things that undoubtedly add up to the thing we desire most - happiness. While looking for the big thing we tend to miss all the small things: the smell of freshly baked cookies, the sound of silence, the sunsets, the smell of rain, the feel of another's touch, the taste of food, the scent of our baby's hair, the sound of our family's laughter, the act of preparing a meal, the hugs from our children, the softness of a blanket the love of a p

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